Friday, December 17, 2010

A pleasant Christmas surprise...

It's not everyday that I get visitors unannounced at my door, but this week the Lord sent me visitors from the frozen, snowy North.
On Tuesday afternoon we had the joy of seeing my (Jolene's) parents pull in for a surprise visit. They were able to steal some time out of their busy Advent season for a journey south. What a JOY and precious answer to prayer. Just a day or so earlier I was longing for just a little time with my family in Iowa. It's always good to chat over the phone or Skype with Mom and Dad, but there are times when to actually hug them and see them in the flesh becomes important.
So for a few days our girls were exceedingly effervescent over the company of Grandpa Leo and Grandma Sheri. I truly relished the adult conversation and extra hands, and Matthew and I were blessed with a date while the grandparents watched our four older kiddos.

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