In my last post I was chewing over some passages from Nehemiah. Sort of heavy in terms of facing life and it's daily ups and downs. But we all have those days/weeks/months/years? The road of the believer can be treacherous and tiring. Thankfully we are not without hope, for "hope does not disappoint us."
Sometimes, in those dry and thirsting spiritual times, the Lord refreshes us with snippets of His glory.
Snippet Number One:
Yesterday Matthew and I went on a "date." Keep in mind that said "date" also included little Jude's company. Even though we had some birthday shopping to do, Matthew and I enjoyed being able to converse as adults. Usually we are trying to thread our adult conversation in and out of the chatter of little girls and boys. Quite often the point is lost amid the hubbub, or else the entire dialogue is abandoned altogether. At any rate, we enjoyed our chat over coffee and scones.
In the course of our afternoon, the silly side took over.
Snippet Number Two:
Though it may seem a trivial thing, being able to laugh or smile without inhibition is such a refreshing act. How often I get grumbly and even begin to look grumbly. It's almost impossible to give a sincere smile or laugh when grumpiness kicks in. But to laugh for the sake of laughter and smile because it feels so good is really just another glimpse at what awaits those who call on the Name of the Lord.

So, with that in mind, I hope you are able to laugh or smile (or at least raise an eyebrow) as I did with my husband and littlest boy. Be vigilant to see those wonderful peeks into the joy of the Lord and the glorious riches that lie ahead. You'll be glad you did.
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