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I truly found that I was always busy at something today: at the church setting up for Sunday school class; preparing for an afternoon adventure by packing the cooler with supper items and drinks; sweeping and mopping the floors while we waited for Daddy to come home; getting on my knees time and again to talk to my children, addressing their needs or helping resolve a problem (working at keeping my words kind, listening respectfully, and allowing us both to learn from the mistakes); laundry (enough said); digging out my skirt pattern for tomorrow's {31 Days} activity. I could keep going with all the normal, run-of-the-mill things that I do, but I found that the day zipped right on by! Where did the time go? And, oddly enough, what did I do in that time? Sure, it's seems a silly question. Especially after just making that list of what I did do. But really, I feel that I was idle in something that would have totally set the day on it's ear, changing my mood and respective reactions to life situations.
I was idle in that I did not take sufficient time to be in God's Word.
God's perfect Word is so very important for the life-breath of each day. Can you imagine getting up in the morning to discover that you only had half a lung? How impossible would it be to carry on normal activity?! And yet I felt that very sensation. Keenly aware of how great my need was of God, not just for today, but for every moment that I face.
In our ladies Sunday school class at church, we are working our way through Susan Hunt's book, Your Home: A Place of Grace. She deals directly with the resources that are afforded the believer and how we must be using them. Those resources are God's Word, God's Holy Spirit, Prayer, and the Church.
We need to be in the Word of God. And the Bible itself testifies as to why it is so very vital to life.
Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the our God stands forever." God's Word is indestructible.
Isaiah 55:11 "...so is my word that goes out from my mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." It will not fail.
Hebrews 4:12 "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Ephesians 6:17 "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." God's Word is our best defensive weapon.
Psalm 119:89 "Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens." It is everlasting.
Proverbs 30:5 "Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." We have safety in God and in the truth of his Word. It will be a good and faithful guide.
John 17:17 [Jesus prayed] "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." I feel certain that Jesus knew exactly what he was praying. God's Word is our truth.
So, my friends, when you feel like you throw back the covers in the morning (perhaps already hearing the sounds of life in the house and the 'ol brain hasn't quite kicked in yet) breathe first the Word of God. Grab any verse that is tucked away in your mind and bring it forward - say it- again! But breathe first of God and he will set the day on a good, pleasant path. Perhaps not without it's ruts and rocks, but he will be our Guide and Aide in our times of focus and times of need.
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