Thursday, October 4, 2012

{31 Days of Using My Hands} Day 3 - Play

{"She watches over the affairs of her household..." Prov.31:27a)

If we were to take an accounting of every moment of our day, I think we would be stunned by the amount of time spent idle.  The distractions are everywhere: phones, computers, magazines, television...the list of things that take up time and don't often yield a return is extensive.

With this in mind, I made a goal for using my hands today:

For today, when I find myself reaching for the phone, gazing at a computer screen, mindlessly flipping open a magazine, or doing something that won't be profitable, I will replace that activity with an activity spent with my children.

That became my focus and caused me to be keenly aware of how I spent my time.  Granted, there were moments where I had been going non-stop with school lessons, trips to the bathroom with my newly potty-trained 3-year-old, changing diapers, sneaking in a chore here and there (you know, all those good motherly things to do) - I simply had to stop and sit to give my feet a rest!

But there were times where I caught myself simply idle.  And, PRAISE THE LORD, I found that I remembered my goal and went to my kids.

I gained little rug burns on my knees playing cars with my boys.  My lips were numb for a little while as I was required to make the proper car, truck, or digger noise.

I worked through a craft dilemma with Anna as she put together one of her recent birthday gifts.

Rachel gave me much to laugh about as she told me here "brilliant" idea for how to rearrange the living room furniture.

And I was put to shame by 4-year-old Elly as she beat me at Guess Who?, 3 games to 2.  Honestly, how did she guess I had Max while still having 10 of her little cards up?  Unbelievable!!!

So what was gained?  I enjoyed my children immensely.  I was grieved that I hadn't been more intentional about playing on my hands and knees with these Wonders more often.  As I wrapped my happy arms around each one and received their hugs and wet kisses, I was so overjoyed....I can hardly put it to words.  

The work I put my hand to today will surely have a greater impact than any crafty thing I make or meal I prepare or shirt I mend or wound that I bandage.

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands." ~Ps.90:17

This establishing is kingdom work.  And when our hands are set to do all for the glory of the Holy God, then his favor is upon us.  This was a day of good work and a lot less idleness.

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